Interview of the Month : Lacey Von Amaze Face

intro lace

Lacey Von Amaze Face is one of my very favorite people in the universe. She came into my life when I needed her the most and I haven’t let her go since. When I met her we were both single moms with boys. Her son was a year older than mine. They soon became friends also. So here we were, sexy as hell, single moms working our rears off to take care of ourselves and kiddos.

When times were and are ugly she has a natural gift of making the bad not seem so bad. Lacey is one of those people in your life you don’t see coming, but when you find them you can’t imagine what your life was like before and you sure as hell can’t imagine your life without them now.

Although, she is kind of a pain sometimes, as you will see in this interview. You are going to love her. She is a wonderful, amazing, and courageous person. Today, ten years later, she is married to a great man that adores her and has an incredible life.

Lacey and her son.

lamb and lace

I initially sent her a list of questions to answer from. She wrote back this…

Lacey: “Let me preface all of these by saying that you know that is cruel. I have no memory. Most of these questions I know you already know the answer to, so in reality this is a test. That is cruel.”

Me: “Crybaby.” (I didn’t actually say this to her face because she’d cry more and that’s just mean. I have boundaries.)


On with the interview…

Me: Where did we meet?

Lacey: Gosh. In a meeting? You know I have no memory! Regardless, it was one of the best days of my life.

Me: How old were you?

Lacey: Much older than you, but a young 35 or 36?

Me: (I asked her how old she was now. She wrote back her question with my question re-worded. Do you see how bossy she is?)

Me: How young are you now?

Lacey: 46

Mustache Lace

Me: Did you ever think you’d be where you are today?

Lacey: No. I never thought about the future, really.

Me: What did you want to be when you grew up?

Lacey: A lawyer. But really only because I said that once in my childhood and my father told me I could never do it. I spent twelve years as really kick-ass paralegal and noticed all of the attorneys around me hated their jobs and I knew it wasn’t for me.

Me: What do you do to make money now?

Lacey: I am a landman in the oil and gas industry.

Me: Who has been the most influential person in your life?

Lacey: A close tie between my grandmother and my aunt, who mothered me when my parents could not, and who have always loved me unconditionally.

Me: What has been your biggest challenge?

Lacey: My eating disorder.

Me: Do you miss anyone?

Lacey: I do. I miss friends I have lost to the disease of addiction and I miss my grandfather.

Me: What do you look forward to?

Lacey: Each day, really. Most of the time anyway. I’m lucky to be alive and happy.

Me: What do you do with extra time?

Lacey: I love to read and walk/run and do yoga. These things feed my soul.

Lacey with her yoga instructor.

yoga instructor

Me: Do you have any tattoos?

Lacey: Yes, I have a small Chinese symbol on the small of my back, in red ink. Allegedly, it stands for “fate.” I was about 11 vodkas in when I got it and it could mean “French fry” for all I know. It is absolutely meaningless, except as further evidence that I do not make good decisions drunk!

Me: Do you have any goals for this year?

Lacey: Yes, I am currently working to be better about my job and pass my RPL exam for certification in my industry. But most important, I am working with a dietician again weekly to get balance with food and body image – these two things impact my life daily and all of my relationships.

Me: Where is your favorite spot to be?

Lacey: With Michael, in bed, right when we lay down and we are talking about our days.

Lacey with her husband, Michael

Michael and Lace

Me: Where do you want to travel?

Lacey: Italy, Spain and Marrakesh!

Me: What are you most afraid of?

Lacey: Fear

Me: What do you tell yourself when things get hard?

Lacey: That I am loved by a God I do not understand (and I don’t have to anymore, what a blessing!) and that I have incredible tenacity and have survived many hardships. And then I go and try to be of service to someone else.

Me: What are you wearing right now?

Lacey: Yoga clothes!

Me: What are some of your favorite movies?

Lacey: Garp, Love Story, Godfather, Schindler’s List, Fight Club, American History X, Memento, The Departed, The Shining, and American Beauty.

Me: What are your favorite books?

Lacey: To many to mention. Last one – Brain on Fire.

Me: TV Shows?

Lacey: Masters of Sex, Office, Seinfield, Friends, The Leftovers, John Oliver.

Me: What do you want the world to know?

Lacey: I am just fine not wanting the world to know anything, really. I am most interested in my personal relationships. And I want those people to know they are loved unconditionally and I am here to help them through this crazy world with some sanity left. It ain’t easy!

Lacey and her niece.

Jana and Lace

Me and Lace Face.

Tiff and Lace

Thank you Lacey for letting me interview you. You truly are a kick-ass human being! I’m so grateful for your friendship!

Interview with A Childhood Friend


Each of my friends are special to me in so many ways. One in particular is Erin. She is one of the strongest women I know. Her life has been very challenging and she has overcome so much. I admire her so much and I wanted to share with you how great this woman is. She is a mother of 3 beautiful kids, a small business owner, wife to Andrew, and one of my best friends.

We haven’t seen each other in about two years, but we continue to stay in touch and watch each other’s lives through Facebook. Between both our busy lives we have a special connection that will always be.

GW: When did we meet?

Erin: I think we were 12 or 13.

GW: How old are you now?
Erin: 35

GW: Did you ever think you’d be where you are today?

Erin: I knew I would be a mom but everything else has been a surprise.

GW: What did you want to be when you grew up?

Erin: Well as far as I can remember, I wanted to be a teacher until I was a teacher’s aid my junior year in high school. I said screw that! So then I wanted to pursue nursing because I love to help people.

GW: What do you do to make money?

Erin: My husband and I own All Star Computer Service and I am embarking on my own career called the Supper Club. It’s in the works and I’m super scared and excited.


GW: What do you love most about your life?

Erin: I love that I get to be a stay at home mom. I feel so fortunate that I get to be so present in my kids everyday stuff.

GW: Who is the most influential person in your life?

Erin: I guess it would be my grandma. I find myself doing the things she taught and did for me as a child. I like that I have some old fashion values. I take pride in that. My mom was also very influential in my life. I wish she would of been here longer to experience life with me. She went through so much her whole life and even though, she was still an amazing woman. Man, how I wish I could tell her that.

GW: Do you miss anyone?

Erin: Oh yes, I miss my mom and my brother, Kevin.

GW: What do you look forward to?

Erin: I look forward to raising my kids and spending quality time with my husband even after the kids are grown. We started our life off with kids so it will be a whole new world when it’s just he and I.

GW: What is your biggest challenge now?

Erin: My biggest challenge is letting others help me. I’m a doer and a do it yourself-er. I can get so overwhelmed but resist help every step of the way.

GW: What do you do when you have extra time on your hands?

Erin: I love to craft when I have extra time. Hobby Lobby is my most favorite place. I can spend hours in there.


GW: Do you have any tattoos? If so, what are they and why did you get them?

Erin: I have 6 tattoos. My lower back I got because I like the design. (Back then tramp stamp wasn’t a term. LOL!) Luckily it’s across the whole bottom part not just a little stamp. I have one on my right shoulder blade. It’s suppose to be a butterfly landing on a heart and the heart looks like it is exploding. Fitting since I just went through a break up. I have a tribal with vines on my right arm/shoulder. A friend of mine was an artist and he free hand drew it up. It’s one of a kind.

I also have three butterflies going down my upper right arm with my kids initials inside each butterfly. Below the butterflies I have the infinity love because the love for kids will never end. Then I have a rose on my right wrist and under it is 13, the day my mom passed.

More to come!

GW: Do you have any goals this year?

Erin: Yes, I have a goal to get my business up and running.

GW: Where is your favorite spot to be?

Erin: My favorite spot to be is on my patio with my hubby with the kids playing in the yard. It’s heaven!


GW: Where do you want to travel?

Erin: I would love to go to New York someday. I have such a fear of flying so overseas flying may not happen for me.

GW: What are you most afraid of?

Erin: I am most afraid of death. Not for myself but losing my family. I’ve lost so much already. I also am so afraid of something happening to me and leaving my family. The thought of leaving my kids and the pain they would endure sometimes consumes me.
Other than death I have a fear of failure to the point that it keeps me from doing the things I want. I have a lot of hopes and dream and goals, but unfortunately the fear of failure stops me in my tracks. I wish I could be confident. I want to feel accomplished, but I’m my own worst enemy.

GW: What do you tell yourself when life gets hard?

Erin: When life gets hard I say it can always be worse and I pray. I depend so much on God in difficult times. I really have to put my worries on God and let him deal with them. My ability to deal with stress sucks. I panic and freak out. Not a pretty sight.

GW: What is your favorite color?

Erin: Oh that’s a hard one! I like so many. I’m loving turquoise right now.

GW: What are you wearing right now?

Erin: I’m in my P.J.’s – Gray shirt with yellow shorts!

GW: What is your favorite movie?

Erin: Sweet Home Alabama. Books? This chic doesn’t read, but when I was younger I read a Boy Called It and it really touched me.

GW: Favorite T.V. Shows?

Erin: Chopped, Cooking Network, shows on Bravo like Housewives, History Channel show and investigation shows (not drama).

Erin: Thank you so much for thinking of me for your blog. I love you sister and miss you so much. I feel so blessed that after all the years we are still friends. You know me like no other.

GW: I love you so much Erin! Thank you for allowing me to share you with the world. I’m so grateful you are in my life.

(This picture is of Erin’s son graduating just this past May. Congrats!!!)
connor erin

(Erin and her husband, Andrew)

My Beautiful Boy

Today I spent some time with Mason. We talked about colleges, girls, friends, and a variety of other topics. I cherish this time I have with him. Two more years and he’s off to college. Maybe I’ll go back myself. 🙂 My gratitude is grand today! I love him so much! He has been my biggest teacher about life. I’ve learned patience, tolerance, how to love unconditionally, how to put others first, how to protect and more importantly, I’ve learned about who he is. He’s such a cool person. What a gift!